Nadezhda Stoyanova
Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
The article is focused on the second children’s book by Binyo Ivanov Pateshestvieto na Babinite
Ochila [The Journey of Granny’s Glasses] and the strategy to constitute the Self in author’s
poetry for children. The main topic of the research is the light which is not a feature of the
subject but reveals the world only when there is a subject to recognize it. The three poems of the
book are analyzed sequentially by presenting the modifications in the characters’ reflection on
their journeys and themselves.
Keywords: light, Binyo Ivanov, children’s poetry, sun, moon, self
*The article has been published in the volume The Day Rises above It, or on the Image of Sun in
Bulgarian Literature and Folklore. Sofia, Faculty of Slavic Studies, 2022. ISBN 978-619-7433-
„Над него ден изгрява“, или за образа на слънцето в българската литература и фолклор